The Busselton Historical Society has established a Memorial Rose Garden at the Museum to remember past members who loved to spend their time at the Museum.  This Rose Garden was opened by our Museum Patron, Wally Lord, at the 2022 Gala Day and the first plaque erected in the garden was purchased by the Busselton Historical Society to commemorate Wally’s parents, Geoff and Hilda Lord, who were instrumental in getting the Museum established in the Old Butter Factory.


If you had a family member or friend who loved to spend their time volunteering at the Museum and you would like their efforts to be remembered, maybe you might consider having a plaque erected in the Rose Garden in their honour.  All plaques will be made of stainless steel, sized 130mm x 80mm, use a standard template, be engraved with black laser etching and will cost $150 to cover costs of materials and engraving.  Installation and small unveiling ceremonies are included with the package.


If you are interested remembering a friend or family in this manner, please use the ORDER PLAQUE button to submit an order or visit the museum and one of our friendly hosts will assist you with your order.   On receipt of the order form a member of the Society will contact you to confirm installation details and payment.


Whilst the roses need to grow a little, we are confident that this garden will become a beautiful thing as it fills up with memories.

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[image_with_text title_tag=”h3″ image=”18105″]The Memorial Rose Garden is located next to the old Schoolhouse and was opened at the Museum Gala Day in 2022[/image_with_text]
[image_with_text title_tag=”h3″ image=”18106″]President Stephanie Piper and Patron Wally Lord at the 2022 opening of the Rose Garden[/image_with_text]
[image_with_text title_tag=”h3″ image=”18107″]The first plaque erected at the Rose Garden was purchased by the Busselton Historical Society to commemorate the achievements of Geoff and Hilda Lord.[/image_with_text]