2018 Museum Men at Work

Recently members were allowed back into the working sheds at the museum and have been very busy restoring and repairing the grounds, furniture and machinery that was damaged in the fire, March 26th this year. A huge thank you for their time and fabulous effort.
2018 Volunteers work restoring artefacts damaged in the fire

The members of the Busselton Historical Society have still not been able to start cleaning inside the museum, since the fire on March 26th, this year. However over the last nine weeks, a group of volunteers have been very busy transporting smaller items from the museum to the temporary museum premises at the old Busselton City library. Here […]
2018 Visit to Fremantle Gaol Museum

Members of the B.H.S. visited the Fremantle Gaol Museum on 31st May 2018 for a meeting with the Curators, Olympia and Eleanor, to discuss and learn about the latest materials and methods for accessioning, restoring and preserving artefacts. Eleanor, who is a wealth of knowledge, gave us a tour of the Museums archives and operational […]
2018 The Clean up Begins.

Last Thursday, 17th May, Consultant Conservator, Vanessa Roth Wiggin from Artworks Conservation, delivered a workshop advising and demonstrating on the correct methods, products and tools for cleaning the artefacts that were damage by smoke and soot in the recent fire. A collection of artefacts have been retrieved from the museum and the attending museum members […]
2018 Fire Report, 27th March, 2018

On 27th March,2018 at 4.04pm , a fire was reported at the Busselton Old Butter Factory Museum in Peel Terrace, Busselton.In 2 hour,severe damage was caused to the first floor main gallery and smoke and water damage to several other rooms. A lot of precious artefacts were completely destroyed in the main gallery along with […]
2018 Fire at Museum
Due to a fire on 27th March,2018. the Museum will be closed to the public until further notice.
2018 100 Year Birthday Snaps

The 100 Year Birthday Celebrations of The Old Butter Factory was a attended by 0ver 1,000 people. Officially opened on the Saturday 10th March by Mr David Templeman, Minister of Heritage, Culture and the Arts seen here with Busselton Historical Society stalwart, Alan Scott. The attached photos are just a snapshot representing a Fantastic weekend
The Weekend is Nearly Here, Come and Help us Celebrate !!

The Old Butter factory is 100 years old and we want to celebrate this weekend: Saturday 10th March “BY INVITATION” EVENT for all past employees, 9.30am – 1.00pm Sunday 11th March, “THE MUSEUM COMES TO LIFE PUBLIC DAY“, 10.00am- 4.oopm
Photographic History

The Busselton Historical Museum has well over 1000 photographs depicting life in Busselton, since settlement to the present day. If your interested in the social and physical history of Busselton, then you just might find what you are looking for in our free to view photographs
Sunnywest delivery trucks with the cream cans

Each of the cream cans had a plate soldered on with the farmer’s name, weight of the can on the lid and on the bottom so there would be no mix ups at the factory. After the cans were emptied at the factory,the main can for each farmer would have a slip of paper put […]